Dry eye is a widespread problem that makes the eyes feel uncomfortable. It happens when eyes do not make enough tears or when tears dry up too fast. Different seasons can make dry eyes worse at different times. Let us discuss what causes dry eye each season and how to help ease the irritation.
When you have dry eyes, your eyes may burn, sting, feel gritty, or seem overly sensitive to light. They may water more, get red, or have blurred vision. Night driving can be challenging, too. Dry eye-related blurry vision and difficulty driving at night make it dangerous for people to operate vehicles, which is why managing your dry eye symptoms is so important. Seeing an eye doctor can help determine the cause and best treatments.
In spring, trees and flowers release tons of pollen into the air. It is a widespread allergy trigger. As pollen floats around, some of it gets in people's eyes, irritating them. Pollen in the eyes can initiate an allergic reaction, leading to inflammation.
Inflammation makes existing dry eye symptoms even worse for some people in the spring. Sunglasses and eye drops can create a protective barrier against pollen. They help lubricate the eyes and prevent added dryness.
Hot, dry summer weather causes tears to evaporate faster, leaving eyes dry and feeling uncomfortable. Drinking more water is key to staying hydrated in the summer. Proper hydration maintains moisture in the whole body, including the eyes.
Hydration keeps eyes from drying out. In the presence of wind or a ceiling fan, tear evaporation happens even quicker. So, pay attention to your environment to combat summer dry eye issues.
In the fall, humidity levels go down as the seasons change. The air becomes drier, drying the eyes out more. Indoor heating also removes moisture from the air, especially since people stay inside structures as temperatures get cooler.
Using indoor humidifiers can help. Taking regular screen breaks gives the eyes a rest from staring at gadgets. This helps ease dryness and strain. If you use a wood-burning fireplace, be aware that smoke can enter the eyes, leading to irritation.
Frigid winter weather and dry indoor heat are tough for dry eyes. Cold wind outside and dry heat inside rob eyes of moisture. The winter elements sap tear production and dry out any tears that eyes produce.
This leads to that uncomfortable stinging, burning, and irritating dry eye feeling many know all too well during the winter. Wraparound sunglasses or ski goggles protect eyes from winter winds. Drinking plenty of water keeps you hydrated. Eye drops replenish the moisture that winter air removes.
Being consistent with dry eye care is vital. Get eye exams as your doctor recommends to keep tabs on your condition. Eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids from fish, nuts, seeds, etc. This nourishes the eyes.
Use humidifiers, take screen breaks, wear sunglasses or goggles, and use eye drops year-round. Consistency with these tips helps control symptoms in any season and prevents long-term eye damage.
Dealing with dry, irritated eyes is no fun, especially when weather and seasons make symptoms act up. Understand how spring, summer, fall, and winter impact your dry eye. Use the right tactics for each season to manage irritation. Work closely with your eye doctor for the best treatments. You can take charge of symptoms year-round with smart strategies and a commitment to care.
For more on dry eye and seasonal changes, visit Punto Focal & Dry Eye Spa at our Laredo, Texas, office. Call (956) 694-3466 to schedule an appointment today.